AUGUST / 2011
Domo Arigato, My name is Franklin Puello and welcome to Online Magazine. In the many years studying and practicing The Martial Arts I have made hundreds if not thousands of friends, and established contacts throughout the Nation and International venues. These contacts have proven, and continue to be great sources of Knowledge from which to refer to. In sharing thoughts about Philosophy of The Martial Arts, Kihon techniques, Kihon Ido, Kihon Katas, Kiso Kumite, Ippon Kumite, Katas, Competition Kumite and Teaching Methods. Discussions and sharing have always been established for each other’s enhancement and for the continuance of the Martial Arts Legacy. I have taken the liberty to reach out across the Atlantic Ocean, to the Dominican Republic (hence the translation from English to Spanish) to interview, for the First Time, one of my international sources of knowledge in The Goju System. The Great Martial Artist I am about to introduce is a Martial Artist with a sound knowledge of Lineage, Kihon, and teaching the philosophy of the Martial Arts, which I encountered when researching the established Martial Arts Systems in the Dominican Republic, specifically Goju Ryu, and learning of the Patriarch of Dominican Goju Ryu: Tameyoshi Sakamoto, Kancho, I am Honored to introduce, Jose Ruiz, Kyoshi. I consider it very important to describe and present Masters who have Defined and Re-Defined Traditional Karate and demonstrate the Evolution in the Martial Arts, so to develop a source of information for the new generation to avail themselves of knowledge and information leading to a building of a solid appreciation for the Martial Arts. Those who have established the propagation of the Martial Arts in the Dominican Republic, and the World. Es muy importante describir y presentar Maestros quienes Definen Karate Tradicional y demuestran La Evolucion en Las Artes Marciales para que la nueva generacion tenga conocimientos para formar una solida apreciacion por esos quienes establecieron Las Artes Marciales en La Republica Dominicana, y el Mundo.
Interview by Franklin Puello Martialforce.comOnline Magazine Where are you born, originally from and where did you grow up? (Donde nacio, de donde es originalmente, y donde crecio?) JOSE RUIZ: Naci: en Puerto Plata: 59 anos de edad. A la edad de tres años mi madre se traslado a Santo Domingo y desde entonces resido en el mismo. JOSE RUIZ: I was born en The Dominican Republic, in the northern City of Puerto Plata. Presently 59 years of age at age 3, my mother moved to the Capital: Santo Domingo, where since I am a resident. What is your current occupation? (Cual es su presente ocupacion?) JOSE RUIZ: Seguridad: en general [Comercial, Industrial, Hoteleras, Personal] JOSE RUIZ: Security specialist: In General- Commercial, Industrial, Hotels, and Personal. When was your first introduction to the martial arts, What Style of Karate, and Who was your instructor/s? (Cuando fue su primera instruccion en Las Artes Marciales?, Que Estilo de Karate?, Quien fue su Instructor(es)?
JOSE RUIZ: Comence: las practica de Artes Marciales, en el años 1960 un 17 de junio; bajo las instrucion de una Maestra de origen Chino llamada Nena Ng el Sistema Garra de Aguila. JOSE RUIZ: I started the practice in the Martial Arts in the year 1960, 17 of June, under the instruction of a Female Teacher of Chinese Origin named: Nena Ng, in the Eagle Claw System. Please introduce your Teacher? His Style? Phylosophy and Teachings? (Favor introducir a su Maestro? Su Estilo o sistema de Karate? Su Filosofia y ensenanzas?) JOSE RUIZ: Esto son los nombres de los maestros que me han instruido:[Sifu] Nena Ng, Garra de Aguila durante tres años. luego pase las direccion del sensei Pablo T. Hidalgo de.[Kyokushinkai] con el cual dure nueves años practicando ocho horas diarias 365 dias al años. En el 1972 por recomendacion de un alumno del sensei Tameyoshi Sakamoto pase a ser su alumno en su Sistema extraordinario: de Okinawa- Seito- Karate- Do- Goju-Ryu- Shirenkan, y permaneci con el hasta que el paso a otro plano exsitencial.
JOSE RUIZ: The following are the names of the Teachers who have instructed me: Sifu Nena Ng: Eagle Claw System for three yeas. Then I trained under the direction of Sensei Pablo T. Hidalgo: Kyokushinkai System for nine years training 8 hours daily, 365 days of the year; In 1972 and by recommendation of one student I trained under Sensei TAMEYOSHI SAKAMOTO: Okinawa- Seito Karate-Do- Goju Ryu Shirenkan, with whom I trained until his recent death. Would you please describe training under the late Tameyoshi Sakamoto, Kancho? (Puede describir entrenar bajo el fallecido TAMEYOSHI SAKAMOTO, KANCHO?) JOSE RUIZ: Los entrenamientos que yo recibi del Sensei Sakamoto fue lo que a mi me consagro como persona dentro del mundo marcialista y la sociedad. Tambien esos mismos entrenamientos me desarrollaron actitudes positiva, etica moral, disciplina, respecto a los demas superiores o no superiores, amigo o, enemigo sin distincion de rasa o ideologia. Los alumno que entrenaron bajo las direccion del Kancho Sakamoto hoy dias son hombres de bien social porque no solo el enseñaba a caminar en karate, sino tambien a caminar por la vida. El era muy exigente era como un padre" para los alumno; era un maestro elemental,era un amigo. Pero en Karate era muy exigente. exigia la perfecion; usted hacia las tecnica bien y el decia que todavia tenia que praticarla mas porque no estaba bien. Hoy no esta fisicamente con nosotros pero en nuestras mentes y corazones siempre vivira. Onegaishimasu. JOSE RUIZ: The Training I received from Sensei Sakamoto was what determined my place in the Martial Arts world as well as Society. In addition, the same training developed in me a positive attitude, ethics and morals, discipline, respect for those seemed as superiors and less fortunate, friends or enemies without distinction of race or ideology. The Students that trained under the direction of Sakamoto, Kancho, today have become men of great social standing, because he not only taught us to walk in the Martial Arts world, but also in life. He was very demanding as a Father. For the students he was a teacher of Basics, he was a friend, but in Karate was very demanding. He demanded perfection; one would perform the techniques as mandated and he would tell you that needed more training and practice to reach perfection. Today he is not physically with us, but in our minds and hearts he will always live. Oneigashimasu.
TAMEYOSHI SAKAMOTO What was his Teaching Style (As a Teacher) (Cual era su estilo de ensenanza (como Maestro)? JOSE RUIZ: Como le, explique mas anteriormente, el Sensei Sakamoto era muy metodico y exigente era un maestro muy tradicionalista. Le informo que el preparaba a un Cinta Verde con las capacidad de un Cinta Negra. El decia que ni el, ni sus alumnos ivan a pasar verguenza. El enseñaba filosofia de vida y era exigente; con el comportamiento interno y externo siempre exigia mas y mas. Hoy todos sus alumnos estan orgullosos de el, porque les enseño a hacer buenos ciudadanos; miembros dignos de las comunidad y el mundo. onegaishimasu Sensei. JOSE RUIZ: As I explained before, Sakamoto, Sensei was a methodical teacher and very demanding. He was a very traditional Teacher. I tell you, he used to prepare one for promotion to Green Belt with the knowledge, skills and abilities of a Black Belt. He used to say that neither his students, nor himself were to be embarrassed. He used to teach philosophy for Life and was very demanding with character and behavior internal and external, and always demanded more and more. Today al his students are proud of him, and of his teachings, because he taught us to be great Citizens, outstanding members of our communities and the World. Oneigashimasu Sensei. Did Tameyoshi Sakamoto, Kancho, create Aditional Kata for his newly instituted System?(Tameyoshi sakamoto, kancho, creo kata adicionales para su nuevo systema?) JOSE RUIZ: Si. El creo y desarrollo cinco Kata que fueron el complemento de su sitema; el Shirenkan. Realmente yo las practique todas pero actualmente no estoy enseñandolas en los Dojo, pero proximamente voy a integrarlas en todos los Dojo en homenaje al Kancho Tameyoshi Sakamoto. ONEGAISHIMASU. JOSE RUIZ: Yes. He created and developed Five (5) Kata to complement the System, Shirenkan. Really I practiced all of them, but actually I am not teaching them in the Dojo, but in the near future I will integrate them into the curriculum, and make them mandatory in honor to Kancho Tameyoshi Sakamoto. Oneigashimasu. Can you tell our readers what a typical day of training was like back when you were Training towards your Black Belt, and later when you were competing in Karate Shiai and or Tournaments? (Puede describir para los leyentes un tipico dia de entrenamiento cuando usted comenzo su practica de Karate en los 60's, en ruta a promocion de Cinta Negra. Tambien, describa como comenzo en competencia entre-escolar y torneos)? JOSE RUIZ: Resulta que, saliendo yo de las escuela alrrededor del medio dia, pase por las puerta de las vecina doña Nena Ng y la vi que estaba ella con la pierna derecha encima de una nevera. Fue tal mi asombro que ella me invito a practicar, y me dijo te voy a enseñar a defenderte; y desde entonce dure tres años practicando Garra de Aguila con esta Sifu. Luego pase bajo direccion de Pablo Hidalgo quien dirigia el estilo Kyokushinkai; y con este Sensei dure en la practica nueves años. Estube entrenando siete y ocho horas diarias donde este sensei me exigia a diario mil geri, y mil suki. En este estilo aquiri mi Primer Cinta Negra. Luego por recomendacion de un alumno del Sensei Tameyoshi Sakamoto; fui, aceptados como su alumno; y desde entonce es seguido en Goju Ryu y con este estilo he practicado: Judo, Aikido, Bojutsu, Yawara, Hatsumi B o, Nito Tanto Jutsu, Sai Jutsu, Kashi No Bo entre otros. JOSE RUIZ: My beginning resulted by coincidence as I was leaving School during Mid Day, I passed by the door of a neighbor, Nena Ng, and I saw her standing there with her Right leg on stretched out on top of the refrigerator. I was so astonished that I just stood there, and she then invited me to come in and practice; she told me among other things, that she was going to teach me to defend myself. Since that day I spent 3 years learning and training in the Eagle Claw System. Eventually, I started training under the direction of Pablo Hidalgo, who directed the teaching in the System: Kyokushinkai. With Sensei Hidalgo I trained for 9 years: training was intense= 7 to 8 hrs. daily, and was required to perform about 1000 punches and 1000 kicks daily. In Kyokushinkai I was promoted to First Dan Black Belt. After, and via a recommendation from Sensei Tameyoshi Sakamoto’s student, I was accepted as a Student and since then I continue studying and training in the Goju System. I have learned and trained in various other Systems of the Martial Arts as: Judo, Aikido, Bojutsu, Yawara, Hatsumi Bo, Nito Tanto Jutsu, Sai Jutsu, Kashi No Bo. Did you ever enter the Martial Arts competition Arena, Why, When and who did you fight? What was tournament competition like when you were first introduced? (Alguna vez entro la Arena de competicion? Cuando? Donde? Como era la competencia en torneos cuando usted comenzo)? JOSE RUIZ: Para ese entonce los torneo tenian poca regla, y las competencias eran desafio en las,misma escuela donde tu llegaba y desafiaba y sino querian te ponian fecha para volver. ya para las decada del setenta comenzaron las competencia organizada, donde los competidores comenzaron a, competir a, nivel internacional JOSE RUIZ: When I started training in the Martial Arts there were few or no organized competition and competition had few Rules. The competitions were really “Challenges”, either within the same school or with another school one would visit and challenge. At their option they could accept your challenge immediately or set a date for your return. During the 1970’s the Organized Tournaments began locally, nationally and internationally. Could you tell us about the Toughest competition facing you during that time? What made him tough? (Puede describir su mas fuerte contrincantes en competencia? Cual caracteristica lo hizo dificil? JOSE RUIZ: Fue uno de “full conta” y otro de Tae kwon do pero por razon de amistad y respeto guardare los nombres. Le ruego me disculpen. JOSE RUIZ: My toughest competition was with another martial artist in Full Contact, and another student of the Tae Kwon Do system, which for reasons of friendship and respect I will keep their names secret. I beg your indulgence. "Kata is the Essense of Karate. It contains Many Secrets", this phrase has become a Cliche. Do you believe the practice of Kata is useful and important? and if yes or no, why? What is your Most Favority Kata? What makes it so Special? (KATA es la Esencia del Karate. Esta contiene muchos Secretos", Esta frace ha perdido su fortaleza. Uste Cree en la practica de Kata, que es importante y utilizada? Si responde afirmativamente or negativamente, Por Que? Cual es su Kata Favorita? JOSE RUIZ: Las Artes Marciales sin las Kata pierden su esencia, porque lo que define a un Artista Marcial es la KATA. Con esta usted se hace uno con las naturaleza, con las practicas de kata, usted aquiere dicernimiento, destreza, bondad, disciplina respecto, honestidad, tolerancia, honrades, y le forma una actitud que tiene como objecto ser util a las sociedad, y el mundo. Mi: kata favorita son Gekisai Dai Ichi y Ni; Seiunchin y Sanchin. Las Mas Tradicionales. JOSE RUIZ: The Martial Arts without Kata loose their essence, because what really defines a Martial Artist is the KATA. With Kata one becomes one with Nature, with the practices of Kata one aquires mental alertness, agility, kindness, discipline and respect, honesty, tolerance, and help form and attitude to forge a productive member of society and the world. My favorite Kata are The Most Traditional: Gekisai Dai Ichi and Ni; Seiunchin and Sanchin. What have you gained from your practice of Martial Arts? (Describa caracteristicas desarroyadas atravez de Las Artes Marciales?) JOSE RUIZ: Primero le doy las gracias al creador " y despues a, las artes marciales con las kata es aquirido; salud fisica y mental y atravez del karate es podido ayudar a,una parte de las sociedad. JOSE RUIZ: First of all I give Thanks to the Creator, and then to the Martial Arts. Through the practice of Kata I have acquired physical and mental health. Through the teaching of Karate I have been able to help a part of my community and society. What are your thoughts on cross training in regards to other styles of Martial Arts? (Cuales son sus pensamientos en el Cruse de entrenamiento entre estilos de Las Artes Marciales?) JOSE RUIZ: Cada ves que usted practica un arte marcia Nuevo, es como si usted cruzara a otra dimencion sin salirse de las suya; usted esta ampliando sus conocimientos. JOSE RUIZ: Every time one learns and practices a new Martial Arts system, is like crossing to another dimension without leaving the real one; one is only expanding in knowledge and growing. What other Martial Arts Styles, if any, have you trained in? (Cuales otros Sistemas de Artes Marciales ha estudiado y entrenado? JOSE RUIZ: Las tres Artes mas conocidas del Japon y Okinawa: Karate, Judo, y Kendo: y la mayoria de su derivaciones. JOSE RUIZ: I have learned and practiced the Three Arts most recognized from Japan and Okinawa: Karate, Judo, and Kendo. As well as some of their derivatives Have you trained with Family members, and/ or any family members? (Ha entrenado usted Con algun miembro de su familia? Entrenado a miembros de su familia? Amigos? JOSE RUIZ: Las cinco hijas mias han practicados karate y defensa personal; los sobrino, los hermanos tambien, uno de ello fue campeon Nacional de Goju Ryu; y ahora estan practicando los nietos y muchos amigos. JOSE RUIZ: My five daughters have practiced Karate and Self Defense; in addition, my nephews and brothers. As a matter of fact, one of them was a Nacional Goju Ryu Champion. Presently, I am training grandchildren and many friends. Who do you feel was your biggest influence in Karate or life in general and why? (Quien usted considera su mas grande influencia en Karate, o su vida en general, y porque?) JOSE RUIZ: El mas influyente en todos #1 es el Señor Jesucristo" porque me mantiene con vida y salud y en segundo esta el Hanshi Manny Saavedra quien es las persona que ha reconocido los meritos aquiridos atravez del tiempo. JOSE RUIZ: The Number One and of Most Influence is My Lord Jesus Christ, because he keeps me alive and in good health; the second is Manny Saavedra, Hanshi, who is one that has been close and in support of all the Merits acquired through the years Do you think Tradition is important? Having a Martial Arts Legacy? Evolution in Karate? ( Piensa Usted que la Tradicion is importante? Tener una legacia en las Artes Marciles? Cree en la Evolucion del Karate?) JOSE RUIZ: Yo considero que sin tradicion no hay futuro; las Artes Marciales deben Evolucionar y Progresar sin olvidar el pasado[ las enseñanza antigua ] o,ancestrales ] JOSE RUIZ: I believe that without Tradition there is no Future. The Martial Arts must Evolve and Progress without forgetting the Past (the old ancestral teachings). What do you think about Rank in Martial Arts, and the present pactice of fast and advanced promotions? Do you believe youngsters (12-20 Yrs.) could/ should be holders of Rank above Sandan? Why? (Que piensa usted acerca de Rango en las Artes Marciales, y la presente practica de ascencion rapida a promociones Avanzadas? JOSE RUIZ: Cree usted, que jovenes de 12-20 anos pueden/ deben ascender a Rangos de Sandan (3er Grado) or mas alto? Porque si o no?)En las Artes Marciales tradicionales esto no es posible pero en este siglo las Artes Marciales han cambiado mucho; y el desarrollo que tienen los jovenes de hoy dias es asombroso,y tienen perplejo a los maestro tradicionales [ no creo que deben ascender a ese grado porque detras viene el grados mas importante que tienen las Artes Marciales Japonesa tradicionales que es el Cuarto Dan] le ruego me disculpen todos los maestros pero es cuestion de criterios y de sensates.onegaishimasu. JOSE RUIZ: In the Traditional Martial Arts this is not possible, but in this Century the Martial Arts have changed much and the youngsters’ fast development have caused astonishment, and have surprised the Traditional Masters. I, in my personal opinion, do not believe youngsters of 12 to 20 years of age should be promoted to San Dan (Third Degree) because the Next Grade is of Most Importance in the Traditional Martial Arts: The Fourth Dan- The Teacher Grade. I beg forgiveness if I offend any Teacher or Master differing from my opinion, but this is a question of criteria and sense; Oneigashimasu. What would you say is your greatest achievement? (Que diria usted es su alcanse mas alto en su vida? Cual diria ser atribuido a su diciplina y apredizaje de las Artes Marciales? JOSE RUIZ: Mantenerme con vida y salud y poder criar a mi seis hijas con criterios y dignidad y ver a mi nietos crecer y desarrollarse, y esto es gracias las Artes Marciales. JOSE RUIZ: Reaching and Maintain my healthy living to see my six daughters grow with dignity and being allowed to witness the growth of my grandchildren, all of these are true gifts products from my practice of the Martial Arts What are your Long or Short-term Goals in Martial Arts? (Cuales son sus planes en largo y corto acerca de las Artes Marciales?) JOSE RUIZ: Crear un plan de trabajo y tener un amplio local donde se pueda albergar a esa niñez desprotegidas, y atravez del Karate Goju Ryu enseñarles los valores morales que se han perdido y que aprendan Buena conducta y morales. Onegaishimasu. JOSE RUIZ: To create a work plan and to build an ample building where we could foster children in need, on the other hand and through Goju Ryu Karate teach them the values and morals that have been lost. Having the youngsters learn and exercise good conduct and solid morals. Are you involved with any Martial Arts Association? Can you give us some details? (Esta Usted envuelto con alguna Asociacion de las Artes Marciales? Cual? Detalles de la Associacion? JOSE RUIZ: Soy miembro fundador de la Asociacion Dominicana de Seito Karate Do Goju Ryu [ADOSEKAGR]; Okinawa Koshiki Goju Ryu Karate Do Shirenkan [OKGKS]; Federacion Dominicana de Karate [FEDOKARATE]; Asociacion de Karate de Santo Domingo [ASOKASADO]. JOSE RUIZ: I am a Founding Member of the Dominican Association of Seito Karate Do Goju Ryu (ADOSEKAGR); Okinawa Koshiki Goju Ryu Karate Do Shirenkan (OKGKS); Dominican Federation of Karate (FEDOKARATE); Association of Karate in Santo Domingo (ASOKASADO). How do you inspire others to cultivate the principles of The Martial Arts, and to apply them to daily lives? (Como Inspira usted a otros a cultivar los principios de Las Artes Marciales, y aplicar estos principios en su vida cotidiana? JOSE RUIZ: Inculcandole y diciendoles cuales son los beneficios especificos que se aquieren en las practicas y tambien demostrando con hechos, y atravez de estudios cientificos. Los principios ensenados en Goju, son principios que alimental la mente y el espiritu, tambien atravez del ejercicio el cuerpo se fortaleze. Principios de lealtad a uno mismo, al projimo, a la Patria y a El Creador son principios enzenados, re-enforzados y aplicados a la vida diaria. JOSE RUIZ: Teaching and indoctrinating lesson about the specific benefits of training in the Martial Arts, as well as demonstrating such by example and through scientific studies. The Principles taught in Goju, are principles that feed the Mind, and the spirit, in addition and via the exercises the body is strengthened. Principles of loyalty to self, to the others around us, to the Country and to The Creator are principles taught, re-enforced, and applied to daily lives. Do you continue to train and teach? Where are you Dojo? (Continua Usted entrenamdo y de Maestro? Tiene su propio Dojo? Donde?) JOSE RUIZ: Realmente sigo entrenando intensamente, y en la actualidad tengo varios Dojo bajo mi direccion, en varias partes del pais. El Dojo propio esta localizado en la Calle 16 de Agosto # 2, frente al Parque Independencia, en las 3ra planta del YMCA. JOSE RUIZ: I presently continue training intensely, and in actuality I have various Dojo under my direction, throughout the Country. My own Dojo is located on: 16th Street, #2, in front of the Independence Park, on the 3rd Floor of the YMCA. What would you share with Parents or Kids who want to be involved with the Martial Arts? Would you advocate young children to attend classes in Martial Arts? (Que usted compartiria con Padres y familiares o ninos quienes quieren entrar en la practica de las Artes Marciales? Advocaria usted la atendencia de ninos y jovenes a participar en clases de Artes Marciales?) JOSE RUIZ: Lo mas Selecto de las Artes Marcial como es las defensa personal para padres y familias. Advocar la practica de las Artes Marciales es predicada en que el futuro de una Nacion es las niñez y las juventud, por eso en la ensenanza de esos niños, jovenes y adolecentes es que estoy involucrado. JOSE RUIZ: I share the most selected part of the Martial Arts as is the Self Defense system for parents and the whole family. My advocating the practice of The Martial Arts is predicated in the fact that the future of a Nation is based on the children and youngsters, which is why I am committed to the Teaching of Children, Youth, and adolescents. Do you feel that Martial Arts played an important role with Who you are today? (Cree Usted que Las Artes Maciales an jugado una parte importante in Quien es Usted hoy?) JOSE RUIZ: ASI ES. Todo se lo debo al Karate, y solamente el Creador sera el que decida cuando yo dejare la practica de las Artes Marciales, y cuando pasare a otro plano de existencia. Oneigashimasu. OSS JOSE RUIZ: Yes, I do. All I am today, I owe to the character and person built through the practice of the principles and techniques of Karate. Only the Lord and Creator will decide when I will leave the practice of the Martial Arts, and when I will be ready to pass to another existence. Oneigashimasu. OSS. On behalf of, I would like to express my most sincere appreciation to you, Jose Ruiz- Kyoshi, for opening the Dominican Republic's Goju doors to share with us and the readers the profound insights and philosophy of your strong Goju Roots, your (late) Tameyoshi Sakamoto- Kancho teachings and philosophy, as well as the overall development of Goju in the Dominican Republic. Not only was it my utmost pleasure, but my honor to have had such an enlightening conversation and exchange with you, hoping in the near future to learn further in your Dojo. Oneigashimasu!! En nombre de MARTIALFORCE.COM, me gustaria expresar a Usted, Jose Ruiz- Kyoshi, mi mas sincera apreciacion por abrir la puerta del Goju en La Republica Dominicana y compartir con nosotros y los leyentes sus profundas opiniones y filosofia de sus fuerte raices del Karate Goju; Compartir su Gran Maestro y Patriarca del Goju en la Republica Tameyoshi Sakamoto y la filosofia ensenada, igual que el desarrollo del Sistema de Karate Goju atravez de la Republica Dominicana. No solamente fue mi gran placer, fue mi Gran Honor haber tenido tal iluminante conversacion e intercambio con Usted, y esperando en el futuro proximo aprender mas en su Dojo. Oneigashimasu (por favor enseneme)