"As an instructor teaches his students the perfection of character, so should he be reminded of it."
My name is Eddie Morales and welcome to Online Martial Arts Magazine. I want to introduce our readers to Master Ron Cook. Cook is a hardcore Martial artist that comes from a strong lineage. He is based out of New York City and continues to pass his knowledge as it was taught to him. I first saw Master Cook back in approximately the year 1980. I was with my brother in law Master Jose Jordan who was Cook’s senior at the time. We were at a tournament in Brooklyn New York that was regulated by the AAU. Cook was a color belt at the time and was literally wiping out his opponents in record time. He demonstrated strong basics with an iron will to win, which was common place for all members of his Dojo. The competitors were very tough but he would always step up to the plate and win. He is a traditionalist at heart but understands eclectic views. It is our hope that this interview gives you some insight into the life of a dedicated Martial Artist, teacher and family man.
Interview By Eddie Morales Online Magazine Where were you born and raised?
RON COOK: I was born in Brooklyn New York. I grew up half in Brooklyn and Harlem NY. When ,where and why did you begin your Martial Arts training? Who has been your greatest influence throughout your life in regards to Martial Arts or in general?
RON COOK: Grand Master Thomas LaPuppet and Bruce Lee. You trained under the late Grand Master Thomas La Puppet; can you tell our readers a little about your experience under his tutelage? Grand Master La Puppets Dojo (school) had a reputation for producing strong minded technical Karate practitioners and exceptionally focused Fighters, can you name a few of your dojo brothers?
RON COOK: Master Jose Jordan, Shihan Cedric Barksdale, Leon Jones, Godfrey Golden, Ian Straker, Vincent Stephens, Moises Delecruz, Dee Villalona and Pauline Gambuto are just some of the dojo brothers and sisters who I respect a great deal. I recall you competing and defeating your opponents quickly back in the early 1980’s. My question is, what or who motivated you into the competitive arena? In regards to the tournament circuit, do you see any positive or negative changes since you began competing? You were in the military, what branch and how did you reach the decision to join?
RON COOK: I was in a good high school but chose to cut many classes to hang out with the boys. So when I found out I had to go to my neighborhood high school, I suddenly woke up and knew I had to get myself together. Thank God at that time you did not need a high school diploma to enter the military. I was 17 when I decided that the military would be my best choice. So I took and pass the exam to join the U.S. Army. You are also in the Correctional Department, was this just a natural progression of your military career or was it a sudden opportunity? Do you teach any of the Correctional personnel defensive tactics? What in your experience defines a good Karate practitioner? What are the characteristics of a good instructor? Are you currently teaching and if so, where? Can you name some of your toughest people that you have competed against? What are your thoughts on the usefulness of Kata training (Pre-arranged Movements)? What are your thoughts on cross training in regards to weights, running or other systems of Martial Arts? Do you have any long or short-term goals in regards to Karate? What do you feel has been your greatest achievement in Karate or life in general? When Grand Master La Puppet passed away was there someone in place to take over the organization or was that decided after his passing? Do you study any form of Kobudo (weapons)? Do you think that Martial Arts training is good for children and if yes or no, why? Do you have any words of encouragement for the person that is reading this and considering joining a school but never arrives at a decision? Thank you for your insight and we are grateful you accepted this interview. Sensei Cook currently teaches at , 89-17 139th Street, Jamaica NY 11435