Action Photography        

                                       # 3

                                 CHANGING THE LOOK OF THE PHOTO


  Photography and the look:


     When shooting, the angle will make all the difference in how the shot looks.

You need to look at your subject from different angles in order to see what will

enhance or detract from your photograph. This is what will take you from just

snapping a photo and into creating a photograph. Sometimes by looking up at

a subject you can enhance the depth of what is in the shot as seen in photo #3

(far right). This is not to say that shooting straight on is not the best way for

what you are shooting, as seen in the center shot. Just remember that things that

are closer to the lens, such as an out-reached hand, will be more prominent in the

shot. Sometimes shooting at a downward angle at a subject, will show more detail

and make the subject appear slightly shorter than it actually is, as in the photo on

the left. The three shots on this page are at somewhat extreme angles, to dramatize

what happens to your subject when you change how you look at it.


 What you and the camera see:


       One thing you must remember, you see your shot with your two eyes,

 this creates depth and contrast when you are looking at your subject.

The lens has a single eye, so automatically the camera will see the subject

in a totally different way than you do.  For this reason, you really need to

look through the lens of your camera and frame the shot. This is why the

angle and the height you are shooting from is so important. The angle will

bring back depth and highlight the features you wish to bring out in the subject.

You need to control your photograph and not let the camera dictate what it

wishes to do. Remember, you are the photographer. Taking the time to create the

shot is what will make all the difference in your photography. . 


      How to handle the camera when shooting:


  When snapping the picture press down on the shutter button softly,

  do not stab at the button. This will add movement to the camera, and this

  will soften the image. “Two hands and a soft touch works every time”.

  Check and clean your lens. If your lens is dirty it will also soften the image.


 Ronald K.Hinckley

    Action, Martial Arts and

   Wedding Photography

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