MAY / 2008




By Shihan Eddie Morales


Online Magazine




Let me begin with the first time I saw Mr. Jerry “Fast Feet” Fontanez competing in the early 1980's.  What made me notice him at that particular moment was that he wasn’t wearing a traditional Gi top (Karate Top) which was customary at that time but instead a sweatshirt as if he were at home with what he was wearing and was there simply to fight.


I watched as his opponent would get close and attempt a strike and fontanez would quickly lift his front leg up and the only way you knew he scored was because his opponent reacted and you could here the hard loud slamming sound of contact being made. 



His kick was so fast it appeared as if he was on camera and someone pressed the fast forward button.  I remember thinking; I have to see this again because I couldn’t believe it so I got closer to the ring and sure enough he made contact with a second kick followed by a punching combinations.  The crowd went wild as the referee yelled out YAME! (STOP) then proceeded to point toward Fontanez and yelled out “POINT!” to indicate that he had scored and won the match.


I remember asking someone at the tournament “Who is that competitor?” and they replied, " Are you kidding! That’s Jerry fast feet." 

As Time progressed and years passed, I saw Mr. Fontanez consistently winning in National tournaments as well as local. A few years later I agreed to help out a friend on a television show.  It was suppose to be a karate demonstration and I was told Mr. Regis Philbin would interview Jerry Fontanez.  A mutual friend of ours by the name of Shihan Freddy Lopez had set this fight scene up for the show and we would be the fall guys in the routine but we needed to rehearse it.  We went to Mr.Fontanez’s Dojo to rehearse the performance for the Regis Philbin show.  It was at this time that I formally met Mr.Fontanez.  He was training for approximately one hour before we began rehearsing. 


I could tell you first hand from my observations on that day that he is definitely a product of his training.  The best way to describe what I saw was METICULOUS-INTENSITY.  Mr. fontanez moved with fluidity, strength and confidence.  His movements were as if he had natural ability combined with conditioned response to its maximum level and embodiment.  Throughout his training he displayed the I CAN and WILL winning attitude of a true Champion.  


When the workout ended he walked over to our location. I expected him to be loud and just talk about his accomplishments but instead he humbly introduced himself and asked if there was anything he could do to help.  This in itself showed me he had nothing to prove and did not have to tell us he was a Champion.  It was obvious that he can prove himself in the ring with anyone because he had been doing it for years.





We here at are fortunate to have been able to interview Mr. Fontanez.  From my observations Martial arts is who he is and not what he does.  Hopefully this interview will give you some insight into The Man, The Champion, and his Art.





Martilforce:  Where did you begin your Martial arts training and with whom did you study?


Fontanez: My 1st Instructor was a Chinese man who slept in the park. My friend and I watched him doing these moves and we just stared.  When he noticed he waved us to join him. Master Lee in his limited English taught us  Long fist Kung fu,it lasted about a week. That was 1974 but on April 19 1976 I began at The Late Great Sang Soo "Tiger" Kim's School in Tae Kwon Do.


 Martilforce: What was your motivation to compete?


Fontanez:  My Motivation came from reading Official Karate, Professional Karate, Black Belt  but it was really Karate Illustrated during the late 70's that really made me want to become a CHAMPION. I went to an Open Tournament in 79 and I saw in PERSON a guess that I was reading about compete in the Bronx! I saw Michael" Look Up"Sledge,"Speedy"Wilson,Luis Ruiz, Ramón Smith (Who beat Howard" The Flash" Jackson at the PKA World Championship on T.V) but the Grand Champion was Ron Henderson (The 1st person that I ever saw Blitz!)


Fontanez kicking opponent on the head 


Martilforce:  Do you recommend Tournament competition for everyone and if so, why?


Today it's really tough for me to recommend tournaments because they have really become  just people yelling and making believe that they hit someone. This is the best way to describe it, imagine if in Basketball you got 2 points just for a fancy dribble and just hitting the BACK BOARD. That's why I started an International Sport Martial Arts Tournament Circuit  to keep the quality of the technique so Instructors can see how there students compare to others. I believe we will be the #1  in 5 years because we keep it real.




Martilforce: Can you tell our readers, what do you feel was your biggest accomplishment in competition or life in general?


Fontanez: Marrying  my wife Michelle and Being a Father to 4 incredible people Jerry"BJ" (24)Gianna(5),Vincent(4)and Anthony(1)being able to be a full time Martial Artist since 1988. I've been very blessed. 



 Martilforce: We are aware that you have been teaching for many years.  Is this one of your passions?


    Fontanez:  YES, SIR! I believe that if you don't use it, you lose it! I've been teaching since 1982 and I still  Love it, I get high on sharing information with people. There isn't a better feeling than seeing someone improve and grow!



 Martilforce: Have many of your students followed in your footsteps as consistent winners in tournament, If so can you name them so that our readers can recognize there achievements?


       Fontanez:  They're so many I would say to mention but I will say Joseph" Mighty Joe" Rivera who won 5 NASKA World Titles in the 90's won the most.

     Today the standout is out of Puerto Rico named Luis" Fast Guy" Cruz who's is a 3rd degree RSKI (Real,Sport,Karate Instructor) under me. He's the top guy in P.R. and also does very well in the states. The rest are guys who just needed help so I can't say they were students but I did teach them.


      During the 1990's  the Fontanez Karate Schools had over 1000 students but I am proud to say that in 1992 we were the 1st school to have 3 World Champions(NBL) from one School!


They were Macc Plaise (lightweight)Gene"Boogie"Frazier (Middleweight) and Myself (LightheavyWeight)     





Martilforce: Where did you get the name Fast Feet?


  Fontanez:  My Mother Gloria"Tuty"Fontanez gave me the name in 1981, the complete name is Fearless Fast Feet but I just used Fast Feet but was always Fearless in the ring. LOL


Martilforce: Is it true that you created a Martial Arts clothing line?


Fontanez:  Yes, I created what is known as a REK (Real,Easy,Kicking) Suit out of frustration of my uniforms shrinking, fading and ripping. I also think that a Gi is dangerous because in order to kick you must drop your front hand to tuck on your pant leg to create space.

   Rek Suits are made of high performance fabrics so you never have to Iron it, it doesn't shrink, fade or rip and it has pockets! We call it  Martialwear For ANYWHERE Just In Case ! lol

      All the Top Fighters Worldwide wear Rek Suits(or a copy), we even made the clothes for Chuck Norris' WCL(World Combat League) this season! Please don't buy a knock off, if it doesn't have the #1 than it isn't!






Martilforce: In a world where the majority of people think kata training is worthless, can you give us your opinion on kata?


Fontanez:  Lets put it like this, you can't fake a Kata! You can fake like you are Sparring but! Kata's have to many benefits to mention.



Martilforce: You have a reputation for scoring with your feet but iv seen you defeat opponents with your hands in competition.  My question is, Do you train equally with your hand technique as you do with your feet?


      Fontanez: 50-50 ,options are the key to beating somebody with less effort

The funny thing is that I've always had fast hands because punching takes less effort.



Martilforce:  Is it true that you took part in the famous dance group called  THE ROCK STEADY CREW?


Fontanez:  Yes, I was the reason why Richard "Crazy Legs" Colon revamped the World Famous Rock Steady Crew in 1991 and people are Breaking Worldwide again! Look it up and Rekonize The real. LOL We use to dance on stage before our team fights.  Legs,Mr .Wiggles and Myself .



Martilforce: Do you have any plans to produce any Martial Arts Video's / DVD'S?


Fontanez:  Yes, look out for it by this Summer to get your copy I'm also writing a book.



Martilforce: What is the location of your Dojo?


Fontanez:  Presently the Fontanez Karate ( operations are  out of 801 Melrose (Corner of 158 th) in the Bronx.NY 10451



Martilforce: Do you see yourself involved in Martial Arts as a lifetime passion?


Fontanez:  4 Ever and Ever and ever and ever. It's in my DNA. 




Martilforce: Do you have any future goals that you would like to achieve?


Fontanez:  Yes, I'm fighting on June 8, on a card  and  my goal is to steal the show and of coarse WIN, also Having get 100 members by this time next year.  Making  #1   Sport karate events.  Selling REK Suits to the other sports.  I have to many to mention but I do believe that The Best Is Yet To Come!






Thank you for your time Shihan Eddie.(hey how about that picture of us on Regis, pretty funny).  Thank you again for this interview Grand Master Jerry" fast Feet" Fontanez.  Mr.Fontanez is a strong force in the martial arts world and will be around for a very long time.  For anyone wishing to contact him, the links are on this page.