By William Rivera Shihan

Edited by Lydia Alicea Online Magazine


There are many styles, all are martial arts.


The martial arts are collective.

Each art is distinctive and complete.

The magic of every art, when taught by a great instructor, will enhance yours.

There is no confusion when practicing different arts as long as the instructor is clear about what he is teaching.


Every art is a truly mixed martial art.

Look at its beginning, research its’ development and learn how it evolved.


Hello and welcome to My name is William Rivera, a Yudansha and student of Eddie Morales Shihan.


Wilfredo Roldan Hanshi is the recognized Grand Master of Nisei Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. Roldan Hanshi has trained in the martial arts for over thirty-five years. He has studied Samurai Jiu-Jitsu, Vee Arnis Jitsu, Kali-Eskrima, Kobudo, Judo, Tai Chi, as well as fencing and boxing.


Our co-editor, Lydia Alicea, and I, recently had an opportunity to train with Wilfredo Roldan Hanshi of Nisei Goju-Ryu. It was 2 days, 2-hour sessions working on the yang short form.


During those four hours, we worked on stance, muscle awareness, breathing, and positioning. There was repetition of the movements with a stress on the how and why. The warm-up was not your typical calisthenics. Chi Kung (Qigong) and exercises geared to the moves would be the order of the day.


While instructing Lydia, Master Roldan stressed the health benefits. For me, he geared the training towards the fighting aspects of Tai Chi. We returned several weeks later and took the opportunity to take some photos and present Wilfredo Roldan Hanshi with several questions.



There are no secrets, just a lot to learn. It is not just about learning the basics, it is about knowing their why and how. An instructor will not just say, “Go faster”, he will show you how you can, or, “Hit harder”; he will teach you through drills and instruction what muscles to use.


Martialforce: If your art is complete, why do you study other arts?


W.Roldan: “Every art, mine, yours, theirs, is complete within itself. However, no one art is the world.

There is so much to learn, and, in doing so, studying another art will allow you, to evolve, to grow, and to develop as an individual.”


Martialforce: What are the benefits of studying another art?


W.Roldan: “The benefits derived from studying another art will broaden your knowledge base. The result has an immediate effect: your personal art will advance. To an instructor, the added benefit is what you can teach your students, an opportunity to grow further.”


Martialforce: What are the challenges of studying other arts?


W.Roldan: “The challenges are to understand the intricacies of the art and learning what makes a particular art tick, what sets it apart. Often a martial artist faces confusion in seeing how to relate what he is learning to what he has been doing. That is a natural reaction, but it is important to separate what you already know from what you are now learning. Once you can achieve this, your motivation and focus will be where it needs to be so you can learn.”







I have been training for many years.  Im originally from New York and because of my training and background I  can truly appreciate hardcore training and skill.  I've traveled extensively to continue my pursuit of knowledge in Martial Arts.

When I was growing up in New York City I looked up to the skill level and Knowledge of Grand Master Wilfredo Roldan. 

We here at and moreover, I appreciate what he has contributed to the World of Martial arts and I continue to appreciate the Knowledge and insight he contributes to 

Grand Master Wilfredo Roldan, I Bow to you and wish you all the best Sir, thank you.

Shihan Eddie Morales